In our pursuit of comprehensive integration, we place immense value on cultivating resilient social support networks. We understand that the journey of migrants and immigrants can be fraught with challenges, and a robust support system is indispensable. By actively fostering networks of support, we aim to create environments where individuals feel understood, valued, and connected. These networks become pillars of strength during times of adversity and provide a nurturing foundation for personal and collective growth. By building these supportive communities, we not only enhance the well-being of individuals but also contribute to the cohesiveness and strength of society as a whole.

“During the pandemic, depression drove my brother to a premature death. The sheltering-in-place mandates deprived him of vital social support network, which was already weak, for he had just arrived in the U.S. I have no doubt that CIMS could have made a big difference” – E.N.C, York, PA